Metrology plays a key role in semiconductor manufacturing. As devices become more complex, smaller, and multi-layered, the ability to measure, monitor, predict, and ensure quality in manufacturing becomes much more difficult and uncertain. Today, the domestic semiconductor industry faces some of these metrology challenges with workarounds and inadequate tools, limiting production yields, impacting quality, and increasing costs. As greater demands are put on semiconductor device performance and material requirements, these challenges will continue to intensify.
The CHIPS Metrology Program emphasizes measurements that are accurate, precise, and fit-for-purpose for the production of microelectronic materials, devices, circuits, and systems. This work leverages NIST’s proven measurement science expertise, foundational communications and computing research capabilities, standards development contributions, and stakeholder engagement practices to address the highest priority metrology challenges identified across industry, academia, and government agencies.
In September 2022, NIST published a report titled Strategic Opportunities for U.S. Semiconductor Manufacturing, which identifies seven grand challenges that need critical attention from a metrology perspective to achieve the future state vision of a U.S.-led global semiconductor industry.
Projects Coming Soon: Modeling and Simulating Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes
The CHIPS R&D Office published Metrology Gaps in the Semiconductor Ecosystem in July 2023, outlining the Metrology Program’s roadmap and its efforts to ensure that the research portfolio is aligned with the CHIPS Act, external stakeholder needs, and NIST capabilities.
Projects launched by the CHIPS Metrology Program are listed below. This page will continue to be updated with additional projects.
The CHIPS Metrology Community is a community of practice that will facilitate data and knowledge sharing across initiatives within the CHIPS Metrology seven Grand Challenges and help stakeholders inform the industry standards that are critical for enhancing U.S. economic and national security competitiveness.
To learn more about the Community, including how to become a member, click here.
The Metrology Exchange to Innovate in Semiconductors, or METIS, is a data exchange ecosystem developed by NIST that will give stakeholders access to CHIPS Metrology research results and serve to catalyze innovative breakthroughs in U.S. semiconductor manufacturing.
To learn more and explore METIS, visit